We Are Here to Have Fun

Have you even sat down and wondered why you are here? I know, i know this is a very deep and philosophical question, but i believe it's one we have to ponder here and there, once in a while. Because so often we get carried away in our daily routines, not ever questioning what's the purpose of me doing all of this. So lets brainstorm here on some ideas.

First of all, don't take life too seriously, always find ways to have more fun. I know you all have responsibilities and there are some things you can't change this red hot minute, but what you can change, is the way you look at them. For example, my job right now, maybe its not the most fun job in the world, ok, it's definelty not the most fun job in the world, but i am where i am at this moment and i try to make the best out of it. I try to adapt positive outlook and seek out for things i can learn, because there is always something new to learn if you are open to it. I believe we can be bored just in our minds, and therefor it's up to us to seek fun in every situation. What helps me to bring some fun to, what sometimes feel like cleaning lady's job,  is having a little talk with myself, of course in my mind, that goes something like : life is suppose to be fun; there is time to work, and time to rest; every situation holds a kernel of knowledge; if i'm not enjoying my present moment, changing the job wont make it better,  meaning if I'm complaining now, i will always find stuff to complain about; it brings me money, which i can spend doing something fun; this is only temporary; i am exactly where i am suppose to be; i am doing a good job; i am doing the best i can to unconditionally stay in a high vibration, and somewhere around last few thoughts I'm already washing dishes with a smile. The situation didn't change, but i made a choice to make it more enjoyable for myself, so that the next job that comes to me is the best one i've had. Works for me, try it, maybe it will work for you.

You are the person you have to spend the most time with in this lifetime, so learn to have fun with yourself. Set goals and move toward them, but still learn to appreciate the present moment. Learn to live in now, because that's all there is, now, and then when tomorrow comes, its gonna be now again, and again. All one big now, now, now.  In other words stop always chasing the big next thing, and pace yourself to enjoy what you have, and you will see, you actually have a lot to be grateful and happy about. The analogy of grass is always greener on the other side of the fence is one, big, fat lie, myth, call it whatever. I aways used to think that everything else is better then what i have, but getting there, where i though it's better, i was disappointed to find out that excitement wears off pretty soon, and you are back in the square one, looking again for something better. That's why i would suggest you to learn to enjoy whatever it is you do at your present moment, because finding that little bit you can be grateful for will bring you more of that in your life and make your life much more chill and fun. After all why do you think we are here? I would say, to have fun!!!

Thank You
