3 Great Questions To Ask Yourself

Questions are a powerful thing. Of course not any kind of question but one that make you pause and ponder. One, that you don't have a prepared answer for. One, that you ask yourself not others. As one of Milton Erickson's principles state "People already have all the resources within them to achieve what they want." What he means by that? We know all the answers we need we if we take time to ask the right question. Why do we think others know better? Yes, sometimes they do. There are a lot of smart people out there and I am not suggesting to never ask or stop learning from others, I am only inviting you to consider to look inside more often. To search those answers in places you are not used to look.

Where should you start then? Let me provide you with 3 great questions that if you keep asking them regularly they will not only raise your awareness but also help you change into a person you want to become. Before I reveal those questions let me give you a little note. I believe that we create our own reality. How? By the thoughts we think which drive the way we feel and those feeling drive our actions, which then create our experiences and the reality we experience. Following? So, what we think is the beginning driving force of how our day and life in general will unfold. 

First question then is "What am I thinking?" What am I thinking? Why would that be important? Because, as I mentioned previously, our thoughts create our reality and if you don't know what thoughts you are thinking then you are creating your reality by default. How uninteresting is that? But if you would take some of your precious time and ask, this seemingly simple question, you would start to become more aware of your thoughts and that would make you able to pick and choose which thought you want to experience and which one you will let pass. Of course I am giving supper oversimplified version of this but I hope you got the core of what I'm saying.

Second, "Why am I thinking that?". Again, another question to raise your awareness and take more responsibility for your life. Often we mistaken our thoughts for facts. We think, just because we are thinking those thoughts it makes them true but in reality you have thought your particular thoughts for so long that you are just used to them. You have thought them for so long that yes, for you they are true, because what you think shows up in your life. 

All things and events in life are neutral, it is your meaning that you give to them that then shapes your experience and how you feel about certain things. So if you think that the world is a cruel place and everybody is out to get you, that kind of thinking will draw in experiences, that will prove just that. On contrary, if you find the world to be friendly, that will become your experience. Both cases live in the same world, what's different are thoughts they think. 

If you ask yourself "Why am I thinking that?" you will be able to evaluate if that thought is even legit. More often then not it is some bullshit thought you picked up in childhood and it is not allowing to move forward in life but you never even knew that you can change that thought and pick something better. So please, here you go. I gave you the information which possibly you already knew, but then it is up to you to actually apply it.

Third question I invite you to ask yourself regularly is "How this thought that I am thinking  is making me feel?" All feelings start from a thought. Not what somebody said or did but what we thought about it. How we interpreted what was said and done. Crazy, right? Nobody can actually hurt you mentally if you don't allow it. You are the one that interprets this or that personally. You are the one that hears some underlining meaning in what somebody said.

That is why these questions are about taking responsibility and rising awareness. If you know that you are responsible about what you think and how you feel how freeing is that. It is in your hands then to decide how you will respond to each human being and circumstance. I know it can be delicious to blame others and point fingers feeling all victim and shit. But if you are honest with yourself it is much, much sweeter to know, that you are the director of your movie. Sweeter then people petting you on your back and feeling sorry for you. 

If the thought you are thinking is making you miserable, like "I am not good enough; I don't know; I always get it wrong; I am fat/ugly/lazy/dumb" etc. guess what my love, you can let it go. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE NOT YOUR REALITY. Use the findings of the latest neuroscience research about brain being plastic and apply that information to slowly but surly start believing that you can change your thoughts. Your thoughts are not facts and they are not set in stone for life. 

Don't try to push away the unwanted thoughts either, because that will only make them stronger. Here is where awareness comes in. Your job is to simply notice the thought. Notice it with interest and compassion. Please don't get mad at yourself because maybe at some point in your life that thought was serving you. In contrary, be proud of yourself of becoming aware of it. More aware you become of your thoughts and how then drive your feelings, more in charge you will be. Become a creator of your reality and for me, I think the only way to do it is with love, patience and wonder. Change your thoughts, change your life.

If you got any questions or comments feel free to share. Have a lovely day. And remember, you are great and you have all you need to rock this life and be the best you can be.

