My mission

I came to realise that I actually have few goals in mind regarding my blog.

I would love to show you, through my life experience, that you create your own reality, and only you, not your parents, not your boyfriend, not your friends or enemies are responsible for anything that happens in your life. i know that bit of information is a lot to process, but just let it sink into your consciousness and see where it takes you. Don't resist it right away. I am saying that, because i know by my own experience, that its much easier to hold other people accountable for stuff that happen to us. Having a bad day? -boyfriend's fault. Didn't go to school, don't know what to do with your life? - parents' fault. Your friend didn't do something you wanted them to do - bad friend = bad mood = friend's fault. You got the hang. Its' always somebody, never us. It's easy to see a fault with somebody, but believe me, its much more productive, and to be honest the only way, is to look at yourself, and take responsibility for your actions and your mood. Because as much as we want, we truly can't change other people. We can change ourselves, thus improve our quality of life, not depending on anybody to be the way we need them to be, but let them be their beautiful selves.

I would love to show you, the importance of positive thinking. And yeah, yeah i can almost feel you going : " Nah, not this positive shit talk again. Are you telling me, if my life sucks I still should put on a smile and say, everything is all right? Not buying it." And its ok, I understand you, this phrase is overused in many different ways, and has been confusing a lot of people and not benefiting their lives, but that's why i am here to make it easier on you. Hopefully. So let me briefly explain my outlook on  positive thinking, though briefly might be a little tough, as my passion for this subject is very deep. Ok, here you go. I am a firm believer in Law of Attraction.  I believe that everything in this Universe is based on vibration, and we are vibrational being, even more then we are physical being. Everything is energy, therefor whatever is in your vibration , Law of Attraction brings more of that to you. Like attracts like, or another way people like to call it is a Domino effect. Something good happens, you feel happy, more good stuff happen. The same goes for bad. One domino falls, and suddenly like a spiral, everything starts braking down, and your day just sucks. Pretty simple, huh? So, you're probably wondering, what positive thinking has to do with it, and how using it you can turn your life around.

Well, at first we have to stop being so conditional. And that is much easier said then done, because that's kind of the way we are programmed. Look at the condition and have a reaction towards it. But if  I tell you that trough deliberate focus, you can teach yourself to be unconditional. Meaning, being happy regardless condition. Doesn't that sound amazing? And I can assure you that its very possible and actually so much fun to focus on feeling good no matter what. Feeling good has to be the most important aspect of your life. We came here to have fun, and create beautiful things. So lets take that power back, and be in charge of what comes into our lives.

As much as i would love to write and write, and write, I am deciding to stop. I want to feed you this knowledge little by little, so its not just empty reading. Like good food needs time to digest good information needs time as well, to get digested by your brain and felt by your heart. I have changed my life big time with using these few steps, and i think for starters that should be enough of you too, to open you up for some more good food to come. And be sure its coming, as I really like to cook.

Thank You
