Thoughts : I want versus I don't.

In a day we have a lot of thoughts going through our minds. I don't know scientifically the correct number, but i bet you would have to agree with me, that we are thinking pretty much non stop. Thinking, in and of itself isn't good or bad, but its the quality of our thoughts that make a big difference. Thoughts become things, and if you become more or less conscious of what thoughts you let enter you mind, or to be more precise, what thoughts you give your attention to, that would be a great first step in a right direction. I corrected myself saying which thoughts you give your attention to, because you can't control what thoughts enter your mind, but its up to you to choose which thought deserves the attention and which, you can let pass by like a cloud in a sky. 

I don't want to work so hard, I'm tired, I'm fat, I'm broke, nothing is working for me... List goes on and on, and on. Seriously this list is supper long. You for yourself know, which are your, life sucks, thoughts. And literally those thoughts are powerful enough( just because you give them that power by give them attention) to suck out the life out of you, and create reality where these thoughts are nothing but true. But even if you are the one thinking them, and you notice how i said you are doing the thinking, which means, you are not your thoughts. Therefor you have control over them, and please, please, please take your power back and show those thoughts who's the boss. I know sometimes it feels, more often then not, that your thoughts are thinking you and you feel powerless, but its all because you never knew how it all works. Don't feel guilty or feel like you did something wrong though. You are where you are and its never too late to take that power back. Once you become more aware of your thoughts, and become more of an observer than reactor, you slowly will create a space between you and your thoughts. And slowly but surely you will start feeling in control of your thoughts and on a way of creating the life you want and deserve. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, just watch it for what it is, angry thought, hopeless thought, bitchy thought, and keep reminding yourself, i am not my thoughts. As i mentioned before, the analogy of clouds in the sky helps me to imagine my thoughts like that, just passing by. By not giving attention to those negative thoughts they slowly will subside, because they will notice that they are not welcome anymore. This though, is a life long process( don't get discouraged here, please) but every small improvement makes you feel stronger and stronger, and soon those negative thoughts wont bother you, because they still will come to visit you, I assure you that. Our goal here is not to get rid of them, just take away the power that is ours. Got it, thoughts!!! So just start noticing your thinking, and observing it, without getting mad or angry, or feeling guilty that you thought a negative thought. Another great suggestion would be adopting a meditation practice, which again helps you, what i have mentioned before, create a space between you and your thoughts. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, like sitting for an hour in lotus pose, but even 5 min a day, or some deep breathing here and there, already makes difference. 

I want, is the opposite side of the same stick. More you chose to give our attention and express what you want in you life versus what you don't want to see, more of what you want will come into your reality. Knowing what you don't want helps you to define more clearly what it is that you want. Contrast always is helpful, so i guess you can thank your negative thoughts in a way, for helping you to define more clearly what you want. Because by experiencing something unwanted we subconsciously create the desire of improvement. Your job then is to shift your attention on the improvement then keep dwelling on what's not working. Then you let the improvement enter your life, and you can reap the benefits of your focused thinking. I hope that made sense. Just making a little adjustments is already a big achievement in your self creation. Even talking more about what you want then what you don't, already creates lots of good feelings inside of you, which automatically raises your vibration, and gets you closer to achieving all of your desires. 

This is just a small part of improving your life, but a very powerful one. Will be happy to receive any comments and questions you have, and will try to do my best to answer them in a way, that will be understandable for you and help you to use it in your daily lives. 

Thank You
