You Want The Journey

You all have dreams and desires you want to manifest, and you want to manifest them now. Most of you are not big friends with patience and that's cool. Though what if I let you in, i wouldn't wanna call it a secret, because this information is really available for everybody, but for the sake of it sounding mysterious lets call it just that, secret. So what if I let you in on a secret of manifesting things at a greater speed, and even getting to a place where it's not really about the final destination.

If you think, the end result is what you want, think again. Of course it's nice to have the perfect boyfriend now, the perfect job, and the perfect amount of money coming in and out of your experience. I will tell you something you might have resistance to, but i will give it a shot. The pleasure of the end result is short lived, it's the getting, to the things you want, what brings excitement to your life. Once you get what you want, yeah you are happy for and hour, a day, ok maybe a week, but that feeling quickly dissolves, and you find yourself on a journey to wanting something else. That is what keeps you alive. You are never complete, there is always something you will want, so its better to find a joy in the process.

Let me lay it out for you in an example. So let's say you are going on a trip to wherever you have decided, and you are supper excited. You talk with your friends about what you will see, where you want to go and what you want to do. You know its going to be a lot of fun, the journey will be great. Bu let me ask you a trick question. What is your final destination after the journey? probably you are coming back home, if of course you don't get eaten by a lion or big, white shark, but i really doubt that. You want to know where my smartass logic is taking you, right? Ok, look, you are now home and going on a trip, but all you are after is destination, the so called sweet end result, which is your home again. You are home now, your destination is home, why go on the trip then? Because you want the Journey, that's why! Daaa!! Crazy, right? You want the experience. 

That goes for all life desires. Whatever it is you want now, and you don't have, there is a vibrational gap between you and you desire. Meaning you want it but you don't believe you can get it, or you doubt it coming. That can feel frustrating. But feeling frustration just keeps that gap wide open, and your desire is nowhere close to come knocking on your door. That is why learning to enjoy "closing of the gap" between you and your desire, really speeds up the process. 

Now you probably wondering, so how can I close that gap? What does it even mean vibrational gap? In short, everything in life is energy, you will be hearing this concept a lot from me, therefor all our desires translate to the universe as vibrational energy, and after it being received by universe on a vibrational level, it tries to manifest it in your life as physical evidence. Something you can see and touch. Your job is to align with your desires, to close the gap, to be the same vibration as your desire, meaning you have to believe it. If you want something, but you don't believe you can have it, or you feel lack of it, I have to disappoint you, it is not coming.  You have to feel like you are living it already. The famous saying, Fake it till you make it, kind of going in hand here. You have to trust the universe to bring to you all you want, and your job therefor is to be happy, to be relaxed, to trust, to know. Sounds simple? Maybe. Easy? Not always. Possible? Definitely.

Just try it, you know. Being happy shouldn't be too much to ask. Appreciate what you have, and more good will come. Be pissed about all you don't have, and feel like shit forever. Your choice. I chose the first, and i can tell you my journey is a hell of a trip that makes me really understand what life is about. It's dreaming up, reaching to those dreams, believing, relaxing and trusting that universe has it handled. After all everything in life works in perfect order, just think about it. How can you not trust the power that creates world. I do, and I invite you to join me on the bandwagon to happy places and smiley faces.

Thank You
