One of the most popular question people like to ask each other, at least I have heard it thousands of times is: " If you could have a superpower, which one would it be?" My answer was never the most original cause I thought definitely, without the doubt, the best one would be to teleport.
Thought about being anywhere in the world anytime just seems so appealing. Wake up and have breakfast in Paris. Crispy, warm croissant with freshly squeezed orange juice and a cup of coffee. Maybe have a little walk through romantic streets and decide you want to have the best pizza for lunch, so why not Italy, you say? And there you are sitting in piazza somewhere in Rome having the best Margarita with a glass of house wine and it's up to you how long you want to stay there and when you want to move, to have a swim in the ocean or walk in the jungle. You got the point. The options are unlimited.
But lately I started to question this amazing superpower and noticed one big flaw. Not possible, you say. Here me out, and you might agree with me. So here you are, able to fly away to wherever your heart, mind, or stomach takes you and everything is possible for you. I guess you can easily say boredom doesn't exist in your vocabulary. But slowly you start loosing a taste for life. Everything is so easily available for you that there is no dreaming anymore, no reaching for a goal, no wishful waiting and thinking. And one day you wake up and you are kind of bored, because you have kind of been everywhere, and that zestful feeling you had at the beginning is kind of gone.
We think it is great to think about something and get it right away, but it is not, believe me. The experience and journey of getting places is really fun as well. You plan that vacation with your loved one and you go together really enjoying it, and it's very special. You wanted to get that job, and after some trial and error you have gotten something even better, and you are proud of yourself how far you have come, and how much you have learned. Same goes for relationships. You like each other, and you slowly become closer and closer. You don't want to just think about liking somebody and in a split second you can have him/ her. Or for example think about having a baby, and ups you got it right a way, crying in your arm, cause getting your wishes fulfilled right away is so great. Not really, huh? Its supper overwhelming. You actually like and need the waiting, the wishful dreaming to getting there. Thats whats so much fun.
My point about teleporting not being the best is actually not so much about traveling as about life in general. If you are able to teleport all the time, you never really enjoy where you are at the moment. You always think someplace else is better, and so you keep jumping from one country to another, till you realise that the excitement is short lived. It goes the same for anything in life. When you are working you want to relax. When you finally got to relax you want to start working and doing something. It's like we are never at peace with where we are or what we are doing. Something else, someplace else always seems better then the moment right now. But then, when we get there do we really feel that much different?
You don't have to agree with me, but I realised, I prefer to anticipate for my journeys, imagine and dream of going someplace I have never been. I am learning to enjoy exactly where I am. To see where I am as good enough. To believe that everything I am dreaming of is coming to me in the perfect order and perfect timing. Believe me, you don't want to have everything you desire all at once. You wouldn't know what to do with all that. You want you wishes to come to you incrementally, one thing at a time, one beautiful journey at the time. Four, five countries in a day is too much, as well as all the food you desire to eat at one meal is a call for a disaster.
I would say, we all have superpowers. We all can dream and imagine, and someday get exactly that, and say: " Wow, this is crazy. This is exactly how I have imagined it and even better." I would say, relax and trust that life knows everything you want, and maybe it won't bring it to you in the fastest way, but definitely the most interesting way, where you will be able to learn the most. After all there is no competition to get everywhere fast, but life lived interestingly for sure deserves a gold medal.
Thank You
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