Should I Stay Or Should I Go

Darlin' You got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go?
If you say you that you are mine
I'll be here till the end of time
So you got to let me know
Should I stay or should I go

As You all probably know, these are not my words, it's a very famous song by Clash, so thanks to them that I can use these lyrics in my post. In no way I want to steal something that's not mine. And by the way I hope you are reading those words like I do, kind of singing them. It's just tough not to, if you know the song of course. 

But this article isn't about the song, and neither it is about the band, but it's very much about decisions. Decisions we face in life, and one of the most difficult, at least for me, has been exactly that :" Should I stay or should I go?" And here I don't particularly mean romantic relationships, though that too can count. I mean every choice about every subject we ever make. That feeling when we get tired of something, our strength is exceeding, and we ask ourselves :" Should I try harder, or should I let go?  Am I just giving up or it's time to change something up? Am I weak to want to stop or am I actually strong to let this go? "

I believe everybody can relate to this in one area or the other. For some it can be relationship that is not really working, so they start wondering if maybe its time to finally go away, or should they still try to save it and work on it harder? For some it can be a job that doesn't make them particularly happy, and the question of staying or going is endlessly racing in their heads. Then again another area could be sports that challenge you, and you are hurting and sometimes want to scream, and you wonder do you really need this?

These decision are so tough because they are such opposites. And by choosing one or the other your life may dramatically change, and that's what is so frightening to us. Which one is better? Which way should I chose? We want to change, we want to be happy, but we are so comfortable and familiar with were we are, that even if we are sitting in deep "shit" ( abusive relationship, draining job etc.) we prefer to stay there, because change is unknown, and unknown is scary. But isn't living a shitty life even scarier? Or to be more correct not living a life, just purely existing? Why do we do that to ourselves? 

We all talk about working harder, trying harder, blah blah blah.. harder, harder. And while this working harder works well in gym, though even in gym people overdose on exercise, maybe it doesn't work so well in other areas of our lives. Of course every individual is quite unique and should learn by him/herself what is working and what is not. But know this, letting go doesn't make you weak. It doesn't mean you have given up. It actually means you are strong and you are not scared of change, of the unknown. You embrace it and take charge of your life. You trust that life will carry you in the right direction. 

Every new thing you start in life will have some challenges within it. For example my new job I started. Couple weeks in I was drained and ready to leave, I felt like my body was screaming :" Go! Go!" And then some analysing took place. Just two weeks and I want to leave? Have I given it my all? Have I even tried? And I know I just talked about letting go, but this one felt like I didn't even try hard enough. If I would have left, this one would have been like giving up. So i stayed, and I'm happy I did. I learned to overcome urge to leave when things get a little bit tough, and I added some toughness to my character.  That's why every situation is different and you have to evaluate it. My conclusion though is if you just started something, give it some time, and accept things will get tough once in a while, and that's ok. As I said it builds character. But if you are doing something for longer period of time and you really feel unhappy, then ask yourself this little but so profound question :" Should I stay or should i go? "

Keep exploring yourself, what you like, and what you don't, what makes you tick, and what makes you sick. Ask questions and listen for answers, because life is always supporting you, always letting you know where to go. And how do you know if the decision you made is right? By feeling good. By trusting you feelings as much as or even more then your logical thinking. Because sometimes what makes you happy doesn't make much sense to your mind. And its not like you make one decision and you will never doubt yourself that maybe you should have tried harder, maybe you should have... But you know what I say? Maybe baby, doesn't matter. You did what felt right in the moment, you chose feeling good, you chose life, so celebrate it and commit to your choice and believe that you made the right one. 

I would love to hear you thoughts about what choices you have made in your life, that were difficult in the moment but now looking back you are proud you have made them. Please share.

Love You
