Thinking is a big part of our lives. So big that our thoughts determine the quality of the lives we live, it dictates how we feel and react to certain situations. As James Allen said :
"All that you achieve and all that you fail to achieve is the
direct result of your own thoughts."
I love this quote as it hold so much wisdom in it. First and foremost it shows you that you have all the power to create the life you desire, it makes you take responsibility for your actions, and realise, that there is no need to blame somebody for what happens to you, because all in all you created the situation with your thinking in the first place, like it or not.
It is our thinking not our circumstances or people that determine how we feel. Situations in and of themselves are usually neutral, but with our thinking, we right away judge something as good or bad and have a matching feeling response to it. You know how different people can be at the same event and all have different experiences and feeling about it. Lets say it's a concert. Somebody is having fun, somebody thinks it's a complete shit, somebody didn't even listen to the band playing, somebody got drunk, somebody is celebrating. You see, they all are at the same place but everybody is having different thoughts and those thoughts dictated weather they are enjoying themselves or not. Yes, there was just one event, one band performing, but as many people as where in the concert as many different perspectives you will get, and they will all be right, because that's just how they saw it, based on how they thought. So depending on who you ask you will get different responses. That's why also it's never a good idea to take too personally what people say because it is just one person's opinion. Just one person's truth. Accept it as that, either you agree or not.
So how come we can all be at the same place but have different responses? It all comes from our thought system. Thought system is like a filter through which all the information we take on passes through and comes into our awareness. It is formed since our childhood by our beliefs, the way we were brought up and the circumstances we were surrounded by. In short its created by our past events. But being led by your thought system isn't the best way to live, as it forces you to think in your habitual way. It makes you believe that you are realist, and the way you see life is how life really is. Your thought system makes it difficult for you to understand or relate to other people and hear their points of view, because everything they say you interpret based on what you already know. You are not open to accept that life can work differently, therefore you are left with a narrow mind, believing that you are always right and everybody else is wrong and stupid, and they don't understand anything. Ever thought like that? It was you thinking trough your thought system. Question your beliefs, if you feel that they no longer serve you. Ask yourself, if the way you see life, really is the only way life works? Become more open minded and life will start flowing more easily.
We take our thoughts too seriously. The difference between mentally healthy person and a crazy psycho is that, mentally healthy person can discard some of their angry thoughts like :" Ahh, I want to kill you. I hate you, I hope you die" or if you have ever had a though when you stand on the sidewalk ready to cross the street and you think: "what would it be like to jump in front of the car?" If you are healthy, you understand that it was just thought and you let it pass. But psycho takes their thoughts very close to heart, and whatever thought comes to their mind they believe it to be true and they have to do it. I believe this example is a good way to show you how thoughts are not reality, it is the ability, it's just something we do. Therefore its not the thought in itself but what importance we give it to it that matters.
We judge our thoughts as good or bad, but even thoughts actually are neutral. Thoughts are just thoughts, as grass is just grass, alcohol is just alcohol, and food is just food. Again it's our thought system though which we filter these subjects and in our minds we make them good or bad, based on our previous experience aka our thought system. There are people who will say this food is good, and somebody else will say its total crap, but the food is the same. Therefore you see it's our judgement not the subject or circumstance that is good or bad.
Thoughts by themselves have no power, you are the one who decides which thought give your attention to and which one is not serving you. There is no reason to be afraid of your thoughts. For example when you feel depressed you will naturally think negative thoughts. It's just a nature of being in a low mood. But don't get discouraged, there is something you can do. If you understand that thoughts are something you do, and not necessarily a reality, you can learn to distrust yourself when in a low mood. You can learn to recognise that you are feeling bad, so you will have negative thoughts, but it's no big deal because thats just the way nature works. Low mood generates negative thoughts, high mood generates happy thoughts. And don't try to force yourself our of a bad mood either, by trying too hard to feel better, because forcing yourself out of it will only make you sink lower. Allow yourself to feel low, it's part of a human cycle, high low, high low, high low, and by accepting the situation as it is while not paying attention to your negative thought cycles is the fastest way to feeling better.
I myself am practising to watch my thoughts. Become more of an observer then reactor. If thoughts that don't make me feel good about myself appear I now know, that what I'm thinking is not a reality and those are just thoughts. This realisation alone makes me feel so much lighter right away, reminding me not to take life too seriously. I question my thought system, because if i want to create new opportunities in my life I can't keep thinking in my old fashion. Thoughts become things, so if you want your life to become better it all starts within.
We got to be more chill. Don't take everything you think about, or everything other people say too close to heart, because as you now know people in low mood might say some nasty things, and if you know its just because they are feeling bad they think badly, you become more compassionate and understanding. It's not that person suddenly become a devil, they are jut having a bad day, let them be. Know that you have bad days as well. Don't try to solve your life when in a low mood, because you wont see things in a right perspective, because remember low mood generates unproductive thoughts. Though somehow when feeling low we have the urgency to resolve all our life's problems, and confront people. Not a good idea. Low mood doesn't mean you suddenly have a bad life, though it certainly will look like that when feeling bad. Just learn to relax when feeling negative, and know it's unavoidable, it is a human condition, to feel highs and lows, and learn to distrust your thoughts.
Accept that we all view world differently and everybody will have different reactions to the same subject. And it is ok, there is no need to be defensive or get mad at somebody. We are all different. Learn to listen and enjoy what others got to say, and be happy about how diverse life is. Watch your thoughts like you watch clouds, just passing by, no reason to get mad at clouds, and no reason to get mad at your thoughts. Become a master of your mental state and you can live every day with easy and enjoyment.
Love You
Nice... It really doesn't seems to you, at least how I saw you. You did look more radical in your thoughs and less compasive... But it's cool to know that you could carry lightweight luggage handle your mind thoughts. Love you too hahaha