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http://www.pondly.com/2013/02/reaching-for-the-stars-illustrations-by-fictionchick/ |
Short summary for those who haven't seen it. It's about a teacher (Robin Williams) who teaches poetry in all boys school, with very unorthodox methods, and boys get really captivated by this teacher's enthusiasm, and his encouragement to think freely for themselves, as all the boys knew before, was doing what they have been told.
Sounds familiar? Ever had a feeling that you are not following your heart but living somebody else's life? That somebody, maybe very well intentioned and loving, knows what is better for you? Well, they don't. It's not even possible. All the other person can do is just give and advice, if asked, and support. I have no clue where we have gotten this theory that we can decide for others? We are taught to be polite, and if you polite you can account to call yourself and honourable individual. But is that really the finest quality one can acquire? Even above being freethinker? Even above being brave? I believe our society will say :"Oh Yes, what a good man. Never says a bad word. Always being so nice. Always can count on him. Never seen him mad. What a polite and well mannered gentlemen." And don't get my wrong. I am not saying that these qualities are lousy and unacceptable, I just want to underline, that very often, under these such polite people, hides a soul that wants to break out and once in a while tell everybody FUCK OFF! I mean, I might be wrong, but myself being this polite birdy bird, often I didn't take the path most pleasing to me. It was more important to make others around me feel good.
John Keathing, the teacher, said in the movie that no matter what anybody tells you words and ideas can change the world. How often have you heard somebody tell you that? And how often have you heard somebody say :"Are you crazy? That's not gonna work, and plus, there is no money there. Get a regular job and stop living in the clouds. Be like everybody else." Be like everybody else? Seriously? Are you fucking kidding me? Wasn't I put on this earth to do the exact opposite? To be different and authentic to my true self, to honour my unique talents and love myself for who I am? Where the fuck did we get this idea that we gotta look what the neighbour is doing, and somehow feel lesser or superior to him. How that can be our benchmark for success? That is just plain ridiculous. And these parent who say to their kids :" Look, Bobby is so smart, he is getting all A. I wish you would have been at least a bit like him, darling." Fuck you mom and dad for talking to your kids like that. You literally are ruining their self esteem, and congratulations, we got another sheep in our barn.
It is not convenient for society to have freethinkers, because freethinkers are not easily controlled. Why? Yes, because they think for themselves. They have developed this magical skill of critical thinking, and not believing that everybody else knows better what they should do. That, for me is a very brave person. To dare to be different, to express your thoughts in a humanly manner, to be courageous enough to stand up for what you believe, and to follow your heart not caring what everybody else is saying.
Don't believe in any authorities. Respect them, look up to them, but in no way try to be just like them. Nobody likes copies as much as the original, cause original is more rare, more expensive, so to say. Always question everything somebody says, be it written or spoken, and I am even talking about as wise of a person as Bhudda and God himself. I know God is not a person, but you know what I mean. Again I am not saying to be an asshole and now think that you are the smartest of all, and all else is crap. I am just suggesting to train your critical thinking muscle and don't be scared to not agree even with your professor or your parents who supposedly knows more then you. Says who? Somethings might work for one person, but might not work for you and it is ok. Because as Keathing said :" Carpe Diem! Seize the day! Only in their dreams can men be truly free. 'Twas always thus, and always thus will be".
Challenge yourself to be diverse and fearless, dream big even if all odds are against you, cause only those who dare, deserve to live a life to the fullest. Reach for the start my friend cause all the power lies within you!
Yours truly,
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