Every day we have thoughts. Tons of them. But even if there is an infinite ocean of them, they are quite similar from day to day. We have positive thoughts and negative, encouraging and discouraging, happy and angry, and many, many other ones. To be more precise though thoughts are actually neutral and we are the ones that give meanings to them. Placing judgments which derive from our life experiences. But no judgment here on my part about judging your thoughts, that's just what we do and what we know. But what if there is another way to think? Or better, not to think.
Thoughts are like clouds in the sky or, like my brother said, cars in the traffic. Just passing by. If you would react to every car and have a comment why it's like that and not like that, you probably would go insane. But why we do it with thoughts?
We give such importance to what we think. Every thought has a meaning, a depth and a reason. Really though? Does every thought has to mean something? I believe thinking in that way does not do us any service. Thoughts are important but we have to learn to distinguish which ones are helpful and which ones we can let just pass by, like a car, be it a shiny Maserati or some good old truck. Don't get me wrong, I think thinking is great. By thinking we can achieve amazing heights, but our minds are too polluted with unnecessary chatter that those great thoughts, that come from our heart or from that magical place called intuition, are not received by us and we keep on ranting about bullshit.
We feel bad or guilty if we thought something that, from our point of view, we consider as negative. We think and believe that we are our thoughts therefor thinking a "bad" thought makes us bad. Makes us a bad human being. Shame on you!!! But that is not the way it works. We are not our thoughts. We are the ones that think them. Like, what do you mean we are not our thoughts? To be honest I have no scientific evidence to sooth your wondering heart I just know it. How? Because there are moments when we don't think and you see how I say we think, therefore there are you, the thinker, and there is this action you do, thinking. Anyways easy stuff to swallow. Take your time if you need to chew this a little bit longer. Just don't overthink it.
Another great reason why we should know about this "you are not your thoughts" thing is that you don't have to react to every little shitty, busy, noisy thought that enters your brilliant mind. It is just not worth it. It is not worth your time. So just stop to give importance to all that static in the background. Stop giving meaning to every car that passes by. After all they are just cars, duh.. So what that that bitch passed you by, or some other asshole drives like a retard. Same with thoughts. Don't react to every little distraction. You can do better. You can't control what thoughts come into your mind but you always have control, thought often it doesn't seem that way, but you always do have control to chose how you are going to respond. But that, my dear, takes some crazy ass practice. Like "long, long, are we there yet? haha, not even" kind of practise.
You could start watching your thoughts like passing cars. Yes, at first they all look quite different some going faster, some at the speed of a snail, some are very ugly, some very pimpin, with an ego upgrade.. Still, they are all just cars, body, wheels, windows etc.. Learn to separate yourself from those cars. Don't let them drive you because it is your fucking life and you should be in the drivers seat. There is already very little we have control of and again thoughts are not one of those things, but what you do with them, is. You can become a master of your life and, in my opinion, becoming an observer of your thoughts is definitely a skill I would suggest.
How? Watch, observe, inhale, exhale, slow down, don't analyse, relax, trust, smile, know, be quite, don't comment on every little nonsense, enjoy silence once in a while (this might be one of the hardest), know when to speak, don't judge, love and in the end take a deep breath in and out...
I Love You,
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