Power Of Thought

You are what you think. 

Your thoughts create your reality. 

Thoughts become things. 

Your mind will always believe everything you tell it. 

You probably have seen or heard these statements somewhere, at some point in your life. Maybe even a number of times, over and over again. But have you actually ever given some time to think what does it all mean? What does it mean that your thoughts become things and they create your reality? You got to ask that. You can't just read something and interpret it as truth because it sounds kind of cool and makes sense. You got to take it in, ask, experience it and be honest with yourself.

If you are not too satisfied with your life and most of your day goes by on autopilot then there is a possibility, very big indeed, that you don't know what it means. Just because you know something intellectually with your mind, if you haven't experienced it in your body, then it doesn't have any big impact on your life. It is like reading lots of books on how to play a piano or drive a car, but never actually doing those things. You can talk smart all you want about mind-body connection but if you don't practice it on a daily bases then your life won't change dramatically. Or not at all.

Our brain is very smart. It does a lot of ridiculously slick and resourceful things but if you don't run the show and tell the brain what to do then it becomes your pimp and you, it's bitch. Brain doesn't see things as they happen in reality. It translates what you tell it by your thoughts and feelings. It translates your perspective of the reality. It translates the energy of your thoughts and gives you exactly what you expect and believe to be real. Our brain records our thoughts and emotions, and if we keep thinking the same thoughts and experiencing the same emotions, do you know what happens? NOTHING. To be more precise nothing new. You will keep creating same experiences. You know, different places, different faces, but same old, same old. How often have you heard "The same old shitty boyfriend" story?

Every day then looks the same. And for many of us it's exactly what happens. We wake up from the same side of the bed, brush our teeth the same way, eat mostly the same breakfast and think the same thoughts we thought yesterday. We hang out with the same people, watch the same television, we say the same jokes. All in all, we basically stay the same. By the age of 35, 95% of our thoughts and actions become subconscious, and only 5% remain conscious. It means, only 5% of the time you actually chose what to say, what to do and how to react. How crazy is that? Remaining time you just run on  programs installed  by your past experiences. Supposedly different events happen because times have changed but reactions to those event stay the same. You react how you did in the past and it's all your brain knows. Your brain can't tell the difference between what's real and what's imagined, and if you keep reacting the same way as you did in the past, feeling the same emotions, your brain thinks you still live in the past, so it will keep creating the same experiences. Pretty fascinating stuff, huh?

So let's imagine that you want to change something in your life. You want to become more fit, healthier, wealthier, smarter. You name it... If you keep thinking the same thoughts, experiencing  the same emotions, taking the same actions, isn't it only logical you will keep creating the same results? It is like you want to change but you don't want to change. Or you try to change some outer circumstance just to realise, that that's only temporary and not lasting. Great example would be dieting. 98% of people who diet, gain the same weight or more back within a year. 98%. What? But people chose to surpass that statistic and they supposedly are going for those 2%, still trying to change the outer without looking at the only thing they can truly change, the inner. 

I mean, you can change the outer as well, you can control your diet like a crazy person but your levels of happiness and sanity might dramatically decrease. There are lots of people out there (and again I will mention weight because it shows a perfect example) that lose bunch of weight, look sexy and hot and all that stuff, and they are miserable. Because they bought into the illusion, that that sexy figure will give them that so needed confidence they crave and magically will make all their problems disappear. When that doesn't happen they feel, to say the least, very disappointed. They did the work but pfff... In the end of that rainbow they didn't find the treasure box. Because it is not there. The treasure box is not hidden in the outer. The confidence is not hidden in six packs and sports cars. I know, I know it is very hard to believe that. Even I sometimes still don't buy into that. I still want my white Mercedes and my Chanel bag but now I kind of know, deep inside, that to be the truth. Those are just pretty toys and got nothing to do with how I actually feel. If I want true change, I have to address the mind.

If you are one of those rare people that want to change something in their life than turn your attention inward. Start with yourself. Leave the outside outside for a while. Actually, once you start taking care of your inner world the outer will follow. It has to. It's quantum physics. It's a law. You don't wait for your circumstances to change for you to feel better. You create that feeling by yourself. You create beyond your circumstances by using thought alone. But you have to feel that thought manifest in your body as a feeling, otherwise it's just some positive thinking bullshit which won't work, if in reality, for 10, 20 years you have been feeling like shit. Repeating 100 times in the mirror I am wealthy and then going about your day and feeling that aaah everything is so pricey. I mean, you do the math. Not much movement forward there. When you create visions for yourself practice feeling like it has already happened. Remember, brain does not know the difference between imagined and reality, so take the fucking advantage here and create the life you fricking dream about. If you keep thinking equal to your circumstances how can you create something different in your life? Start thinking and feeling beyond what happens and that of course takes practice.

To change, at first, you have to admit that there is something you don't like about yourself. Because you have to know what it is that you want to change. Second, you have to have a vision, a clear intention, of knowing who you do want to become. Before building the new, clean away the old mess. Don't pain a new colour above the old one because that kind of renovation work won't last you very long. Do it in the right order. Break the old self first. Start by getting rid of the emotions that don't serve you and have kept you stuck in the past for long enough. Then watch your thoughts because thoughts create emotions. First comes the thought and if you give importance to that thought emotion follows. You create a chemical charge in your body and if you keep repeating same thoughts and emotions  your body strengthens that neural pathway and it then becomes subconscious, meaning you think and react without being aware of it. And that's what has been getting you in trouble. Most of the time you are asleep, my dear friend.

Why is it then so difficult to change? Because you have altered your body chemically for long period of time, and remember I said that 95% of us run subconscious. So when you consciously want to change, you have 5% going against that 95%, and that's a war nobody can win. That is why thinking positive, with those 5%, will keep you stuck in the mud. By thinking and feeling the same your body has become addicted to those chemicals that you create by different emotions. When suddenly you want to change and do something different and your body doesn't receive the same chemical charge it has been getting for so long, it will fight back. This is that little voice :" Let's start tomorrow. I know you wanted to read/study but your TV show is on. I know you wanted to eat healthier but common look at that pizza." Catch that little bastard and stop trusting it. Yes, it will be supper hard so you better be patient with yourself. But now you know, it is your addiction talking, making up some lame excuses just to get that sweet rush of chemicals you so generously have been providing to it.

Become conscious of your unconscious behaviours. Shine some light into those dark corners of your mind. Again, I will mention meditation here because it is priceless tool to create that gap. That gap between, you reacting on autopilot and you making conscious choice. Watch, truly watch your thoughts. I know it is difficult to believe in power of your thoughts if you haven't experienced it but great example would be getting aroused by thought alone. Guy's friend wakes up from the sleep when he sees that sexy secretary reaching for the fallen pencil. Oh no, that is not from porn, I just made it up. Anyways you see the connection. Mind-body connection. Power of a single thought. Use it. Take some responsibility for how your life goes and have some fun creating events in your mind that you would like to experience. And remember, practice feeling like it all has already happened. Remember? Brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's imagined. I know this is a lot to swallow but it is so worth it. I see you on the beach sipping margaritas.

P.S. - Movie about power of thought and quantum physics. A bit corny but has some great information for you to ponder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr51w9892hI

