The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

We have two minds. Ok, sometimes it feels like we have more. Thousands of minds, personalities swirling around somewhere in that place we call body. We say we are going to do one thing, but moments later we do the complete opposite. We do the thing we said we won't. We do the thing we don't like ourselves doing. We want to change, but very often feel like it is just a bit out of our reach. We think about changing, we succeed for days, weeks, months only to return to our old self moments later. Why? Why is it so? Why we can't change even if we consciously seem to put all the effort into it? It is because...

We have two minds. Our conscious mind and subconscious. You can also call them thinking mind and feeling mind. At first let's look at the conscious mind, your thinking mind. It's the mind that makes rational decisions, analyses. The mind that says, I want to do this and this. But, it is your subconscious mind, reactive mind, that will determine if you will do it or not, or wether you will stick with it or not. You can consciously decide that you want to go on a certain diet, watch less TV, exercise more, read more and think less bullshit, but weather it will stick with you or not is up to your subconscious. If your conscious mind doesn't match your subconscious, then that change that you want to take place, won't be lasting.

Your subconscious mind has been programmed with information since you were a little baby. To be more precise, even before you were born. Your subconscious mind was also being programmed in your mother's womb. It was your feeling mind that felt your mother's love or worry, and already programmed you for a safe or unsafe world. That's why doctors suggest mothers to talk to their babies while they are chillin in their tummy's. To send loving thoughts because babies feel that shit. What a responsibility, but hey, to all the mothers out there, let's put a conscious effort in creating the best subconscious mind for our babies, because till the age of 6 they have no rational thinking. They are like sponges. Whatever you do or say goes straight into their experience as truth, without any filter. Whatever we and society put in there, might be with them for their entire life. If it's something good, great, if it's not that good, we might have a problem. We might have serial killer. For real.

To create a lasting change we have to learn how to match our conscious mind with subconscious. For that to happen, you have to learn how to program your subconscious. Let's again take a diet as an example, because many people have done some sort of dieting at some point in their lives. If you consciously decide to go on the diet but subconsciously believe that diets don't work, they are too hard, they are useless, then guess what? That belief will be the main driving force that will motivate you or actually demotivate you to stick to your diet. Are you still with me? Yes, you will be excited for first day or few but soon enough your mind and body will try to pull you back to the known and safe place. To the old you. Your brain doesn't want to change because change means unknown, and unknown could mean danger. Your brain's job is to survive, to keep you safe, not to make you the smartest and sexiest ass in the room. It could care less about your desires to achieve greatness and that is when you will start hearing voices like :"Let's start tomorrow. Tomorrow is a better day. I don't feel like it. I guess it's just not me. Blah, blah, blah." And instead of the diet here, you can put any other thing you have been trying to change but haven't managed it.

Subconscious mind is your habitual mind. The mind that can do things without too much involvement of your consciousness. Like walking, driving a car, if you are a skilful driver, eating  etc. All those actions can be done without much attention. It is put in your body to such a degree that your body knows how to do it better then your mind. That is what we call a habit. Ok, you can't call walking a habit but I hope you got my point. Because this process takes time, habits take time to form. To get rid of an old one and build a new one. Subconscious always tries to pull you back to what it knows even if it is not good for you, like alcohol or drug addiction. You consciously know that it is bad for you but the chemical and emotional addiction to those things will make it hard to change. Your body and mind likes what it knows and if you have been feeding it feelings of victimhood and not enoughness  for 10 years, it won't like the shock of suddenly not getting that chemical, hormonal charge you have been giving it all this time. Those are the craving. Body and mind is trying to trick you into doing that thing, feeling that emotion. Every emotion creates chemical reaction in your body that's why if you want to change, it can't happen only on the thinking level. You got to go deeper. You have to work with your feeling mind, inbody that change.

Once you inbody the change it becomes much easier. Because when we do something habitually, there isn't much thinking involved, therefore there isn't much resistance. It doesn't mean that you have worked out for a while, it has become a habit, and now working out is easy breezy, but it means, that you are actually looking forward to go to the gym. You learn to enjoy the discomfort you feel in the gym. You enjoy the burn in your muscles. You learn to enjoy the pain. It is not like you have become a sadist but maybe just a little bit :). 

To learn to control and govern your subconscious mind you have to give it the images you want to come to reality. You have to be very deliberate about what kind of thoughts you entertain and let in, what actions you take, even what movies and TV you watch. Because what you do all day long is programming your subconscious. You can't wish to become wealthy and consciously affirm that :" Yeah, I am a rich. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly", and then go about your day complaining how everything is so expensive and rich people are mean and evil mothertuckers. That shite won't work. It is contradictory information. As said in the book :"What you consciously affirm you can not mentally deny a moment later." It is your job, and it requires conscious effort to be the gatekeeper of your subconscious and allow in the information that benefits you and moves you closer to your worthy ideal. You, take this seriously!! It's your life we are talking about. 

If you think positively, take inspired actions do your best to be nice and kind, your body will do it's best to bring about those experiences to reflect your mind. Your body is a reflection of your mind. Your life is a reflection of your mind. And to take it even one step further, everything around you is a reflection of your mind. So there you go, use that information for your advantage. Use, everything around you, to see, if you are manifesting in your life what you want or the opposition of it. Use, everything around you, to tap into your subconscious and find out what kind of programs are running it. What kind of programs are running your life. Because before changing something, first step is to know what you are changing. To change the problem you got to know what it is, and that there is one. The world around you can help you do it. 

Everybody reflects you, wether you like it or not. If you are mean to people rest assured they will spit back. If you are nice, even the mean ones will show you their nice side. Because everybody has both sides in them. Nobody is 100% one or the other. Therefore it is never about other people. In all your relationships it is always about you. I know some people can't hear this information because they know that they always try their best but that piece of toast is as annoying as it gets. Well, no. If you want your relationship to change look inside. You can not change the other person. If you feel that people are mean to you wherever you go, maybe your subconscious programming says that you can't trust people and everybody is out to get you. So that is what you get. But you can change it. Your subconscious program is not some crazy ass hex put on you by the evil Woodoo Master. It probably was just your sweet mother who thought she was protecting you with this information. Let's not look for who to blame but get to work on what we can do. Let's work on ourselves and leave everybody else out of the picture for now. Let's get into the drivers seat and make it the sweetest ride possible, because, as L'oreal says " You are worth it " and commercial never lie, right? :)


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