What Is Coaching?

As I am studying to become a coach I thought it would be useful to write a post about what it is, how I see it and understand it and what is it that coaches do. Because some have never heard about it, some think it is just a friendly conversation and requires no effort from both parties, some think it is stupid to pay somebody to ask you some questions. And yes, all those are legit assumptions. I am not trying to sell myself here, I only want to educate you about what coaching is so you can decide on your own if it is something you are interested in or not. I am all about critical thinking and you making your own decisions. Let's dive in.

First of all the program I am in is Erickson's Coach training program that is ICF (International Coach Federation) accredited coach training program. It is important to mention here because there are many self thought people who call themselves coaches. So for you to make a well thought trough decision if you need a coach you got to check, if this coach has any professional certification. There are many people going around giving advice and now more then ever you need to do your research to decide who to trust and who not to trust. I think seeing that the coach has a certification could help.

What is coaching? Coaching is a different way of helping people. It is different from counselling, therapy and training. For example in therapy you get asked a lot about your past. Past relationships, past circumstances, past hurts. Of course there is a place for that, but there is a point, where it would be more effective to concentrate on the future. Shifting your perspective from the past to setting some goals and creating a vision for your life. That is where coaching comes in.

Who is the one who sets the goals and creates the vision? YOU. So what does the coach do? Asks powerful questions. Coaches don't give advice. They don't tell you what should do or shouldn't do. If you want an advice you are better off to look up some training program or find a mentor. Because there is a place for advice giving as well. If you want to learn a skill, questions might not be the best way to become more advanced. You need somebody to give you step by step instructions.

Coaching will be most effective and actually it can only be effective if you are ready to take responsibility for your life. If you still want to chill in a victimhood mentality and blame others for how your life turned out then sorry my friend, there is still some work you need to do before getting a coach. And by the way being a victim is ok too if that is where you want to be. Erickson's coaches believe that YOU ARE OK. Whatever you do, whatever you think and feel everything is alright with you. How amazing is that?

Why is taking responsibility important? Because, in coaching session, coach is only concerned about you and your motivation and ability to take action. If you want to talk about how your husband/wife/mother/kids need to change you might not appreciate it when coach will keep redirecting the arrow at you and ask " What you can do in this situation?"

It does not mean that before a coaching session you have to have it all figured out, only willing to change for better and actually ready to do something about it. Talking is fun and great but without an action it is only a great philosophical dinner conversation. That is why it is not enough to get inspired. Motivation and inspiration are like shitty friends, who are there when it is fun and easy, but when things get tough, they are nowhere to be seen. No, I mean inspiration is great. I love feeling inspired, don't get me wrong. It is a generating force to start doing amazing things, but have an action plan ahead, so you can keep going when inspiration is not around.

Another reason why you should be willing to take responsibility is because you are the one who sets the goals and action steps. Coach's job is to hold a big projector above your head, so you can see your path more clearly and be more aware of the outside possibilities. Erickson's coaches believe that you have all the necessary resources inside of you. That you have a huge, uncovered potential that is waiting there to be found and used.

Coaching focuses on solutions not problems, on discovering your values and creating meaning in your life. It is a safe environment where you are truly heard with understanding and acceptance. How rare is this in our lives now? People want to give you advice in the first opportunity they get. They mean well, I know, but it might not always be effective for your particular circumstance. That is why in coaching every solution to you is coming directly from you.

I really appreciate the knowledge I have gotten in this school. I have become more compassionate and understanding towards others and more importantly towards myself. I have learned useful techniques and tools to use for self development and in work with my client. I have a clearer vision for my future. I feel more peaceful and grounded because I know everything is OK with me. I have learned to believe in my power because I have all needed resources inside of me. I know where I am going and why, and oh boy, having clarity for your life is one of the best feelings I could wish upon you.

I feel like I covered some basic info for you to get a feel of what is coaching. Of course the best feel to get is to actually try it but it is for you to decide.

Thank You,
Coach Kris
